iSec Systems - Web3 Token Scanner

Explore the features of iSec Systems Web3 Token Scanner, a tool designed to provide comprehensive and real-time information about Ethereum tokens. Access token metrics, holder information, airdrops, team wallet details, and more, all in an intuitive interface.

Our Features

Discover a world of possibilities with Sunlight exceptional features tailored to enhance your coding journey.

Comprehensive Token Metrics

Gain insights into token metrics, including market cap, volume, liquidity, and price changes.

Holder Information

Analyze the distribution of token holders and identify major stakeholders.

Airdrops and Team Wallets

Inspect airdrops, supply distribution, team wallets, and more.

Unlock the Power of IntelliSecure

Stay ahead with IntelliSecure’s in-depth token analysis, delivering essential security insights to protect your crypto investments.

Comprehensive Token Scanning
Quickly identify potential security risks with IntelliSecure's in-depth token analysis.
Automated Threat Detection
Stay protected with real-time alerts on emerging threats to your crypto assets.
Detailed Security Reports
Access comprehensive reports that offer insights into token security and vulnerability.
Advanced Threat Analytics
Gain deeper insights with IntelliSecure's advanced threat analytics, designed to help you stay one step ahead of potential security risks.
Multi-Platform Support
Analyze tokens across multiple blockchains for comprehensive security coverage.
Continuous Monitoring
Keep your assets safe with 24/7 monitoring and instant notifications on any suspicious activity.

Quickstart with IntelliSecure

Begin your security journey with IntelliSecure's simple setup. Easily connect your wallet, select tokens for analysis, and view detailed security insights in just a few steps.

Instant Token Scanning

Quickly assess the security of your tokens with IntelliSecure’s powerful scanning tools. Gain insights into potential risks and vulnerabilities with just a few clicks.

5 Minutes
Average time to set up and start scanning your first tokens.
Comprehensive coverage of critical security checks.

Buy & Charts

Buy iSec or Check out our Chart!

Your Queries Answered: FAQs

Find answers to commonly asked questions about the IntelliSecure Ecosytstem.

Is there a free trial available?
The entire ecosystem is free of charge. You can start using our Browser extension or Telegram bot right now.
What are the tokenomics??
Supply is 10M, Taxes are 5/5 and 50% of the supply is used as initial liquidity. Visit our docs for more info
Should we expect revenue share?
We're exploring ways to share revenue with our holders, potentially through ads on our bots/extensions or a simple staking platform. Stay tuned for more details.
Does iSec extension work on Firefox?
No, the extension isn't available on Firefox yet. However, you can install it on Chrome or Chromium-based browsers like Edge.
What is the contract address for iSec?
Our Contract Address is: 0xae5b2aa98532c0c27c88f2085d66b5263f4b9fee